Call For Volunteers: AIGA SF’s WILD

We’re seeking several Women in Leadership & Design (WILD) volunteers to join our growing team. WILD is an initiative that the AIGA SF local chapter launched in 2018 but remained mostly dormant due to the pandemic. We started re-engaging the community in 2022 through casual meetups, rolled out our new brand (thanks to our creative partner Yung Studio) early 2023, and have been building an active community ever since. We would not be where we are today without our amazing community of volunteers. Come join us!

What makes what we do different from other women-led organizations in the creative industry?

Our mission is to amplify women and non-binary designers’ collective power and visibility. We mobilize and energize impact in design leadership by focusing our work on connecting, elevating, sharing, and educating designers in our community. Often, we do this through events like group meals, speaker series, workshops, meetups, and more. We exist to redesign leadership, together.

Image caption: WILD Volunteers from the end-of-year holiday gathering in 2023.


  • Marketing Lead
  • Social Media Strategist
  • Writer/Storyteller
  • Events Lead
  • Events Producer
  • Partnership Co-Lead
  • Partnership Coordinator
  • Looking specifically for self-identifying women and nonbinary leaders to apply, with a focus on BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ candidates. You need to be Bay Area-based, although we are open to remote participation as long as you’re able to join our meetings on Pacific Time.

    If you’re keen to join the team, please fill out the application form indicating the role(s) you’re interested in. We look forward to hearing from you! You can also learn more about WILD here:

    Being a WILD volunteer is an unpaid opportunity and means a commitment of ~3-5hrs/month (minimum) [unless you’re applying to a Leadership role, which is ~6-10hrs/month] and you’d get to:

  • SHAPE an ownable and rich body of branded experiences for WILD across all our channels (creative, editorial, social, programming, partnerships etc.) based on the specific sub-committee you're joining
  • ATTEND 90% of Sub-Committee meetings (and occasional 1:1s) and 90% of all WILD events
  • ENGAGE with attendees at all WILD events (when possible)
  • BUILD the WILD community, together
  • PROMOTE all WILD programs and events through your network/channels
  • CONTRIBUTE status updates / FYIs / inspiration on the #wild-committee or #wild-inspiration slack channel (and other relevant channels for your team)
  • IDENTIFY fun creative initiatives that would give the team inspiration
  • CHECK WILD slack channels at least 1/per week (minimum)
  • SHARE your availability if you're out of town/sick/not able to pick up a task
  • BE COMFORTABLE in Figma / Notion / GSuite products

  • Additional expectations for Leadership roles only:

  • INSPIRE your sub-committee of volunteers to move forward on specific tasks, supporting and executing on sub-committee projects and goals (on an ongoing basis)
  • ATTEND 90% of all monthly Leadership syncs
  • COMMIT to monthly 1:1s with either the WILD Chair or Co-Chair