Off the Grid, Fort Mason Center
2 Marina Blvd
San Francisco

Join us on Friday, October 21 at 5pm at Fort Mason’s Off The Grid for the third Women in Leadership and Design (WILD) in-person meetup of this year! Stop by the food trucks for some post-work drinks and bites and then join us by the Phillip Burton Statue in the Fort Mason Park nearby. We are excited to reconnect with like-minded women and non-binary leaders in the San Francisco/Bay Area design community. Kids and pets welcome — see you there!
Women in Leadership & Design (WILD) is an initiative of AIGA San Francisco. Our mission is to amplify women and non-binary designers’ collective power and visibility. We mobilize and energize impact in design leadership by focusing our work on connecting, elevating, sharing, and educating designers in our community. Often, we do this through events like group meals, speaker series, workshops, meetups, and more. We exist to redesign leadership, together. Learn more about WILD here.
If you are fortunate enough to have resources or a little extra to spare, please consider making a $5 donation. We greatly rely on the community’s generosity to help support WILD programming. As a 501(c)3, your donations will be used to help effectively promote events to the press, media and general audience as well as cover the cost of platforms, software, catering, event space, our staff, and Tech support for virtual events. Your generosity is very much appreciated.