Community 19 September 2024
Richard Danne goes airborne with “Stars” launch!
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Letterform Archive

2325 Third St. Floor 4R

San Francisco

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5:30 pm
Event begins
8:00 pm
Event ends

This event, produced by AIGA/SF, features an expansive visual presentation by Richard Danne with projects from his stellar new book: “Shooting for the Stars,” a six-decade celebration of timeless design. The book’s 248 colorful pages include successful programs / projects which have stood the test of time – for diverse clients like NASA to FIT; Paramount to AT&T; large budgets to small; all with strong concepts and enduring design solutions.

Each project is captioned with a date to appreciate the longevity of the design. Plus, many stories of how the projects evolved, some in surprising ways. ie: The author being stranded after a presentation in Saudi Arabia, with a total lock-down of airspace.

There is also much about Danne’s history of design leadership / service: U.S. president of AGI; national president of AIGA; and founding president of AIGA / NY; commitments which went well beyond his own practice and for the good of all. He's been honored with: the AIGA Medal; the AIGA / SF Fellow Award, three U.S. Presidential Awards for Design Excellence; NASA's Exceptional Public Achievement Medal.

"He's a leader, gentleman, and one-of-a-kind shining star in our vast design galaxy." Dana Arnett, former AIGA president, founder & chairman, VSA Partners, Chicago, IL

Simply put, Richard's presentation and book offer an animated long view of our profession and its evolution.