Whipsaw San Francisco
81 Lafayette Street
San Francisco

The design industry is currently caught in a bit of a vocabulary identity crisis - UX, ID, PD, IxD, UI…what do these all mean and more importantly, how do they work together to create holistic product experiences? At Whipsaw we focus on physical product design, but we’re no longer focused on pure industrial design and ergonomics. Our design services have grown to incorporate holistic experiences that often bridge the physical and digital interactions.
When we talk about user experience and interaction design most people jump to digital experiences. We’re working to define the space of physical user experience. How does research inform physical product design? How do you test physical products? How do you design physical and digital products to work seamlessly together? These are questions we grapple with everyday.
Join us in our San Francisco studio as we bring together a panel of designers with diverse experiences working on physical user experience challenges to help us define this acronym-filled space so we can continue designing stellar experiences!