The John A. Legnitto Environmental Learning Center
401 Tunnel Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94134

About Eco Warrior Series with Bartlett Brands
As designers and makers, we have the power to make decisions that impact our planet's ecology. Bartlett Brands has made a planet-first pledge-committing to help our clients make the most environmentally sustainable decisions for their products and packaging. In the Eco Warrior Series, we'll explore different areas of sustainable design and learn how to make innovative design decisions that reduce impact without sacrificing aesthetics or experience.
Part II. Weds, 10/09: Recology Tour for DesignersDesign more sustainably with the end in mind. We’ll separate recycling facts from myths while touring two SF Recology facilities. Learn more about choosing materials and optimizing your designs to support recycling in a commercial facility.
The tour will begin from our Environmental Learning Center located at 401 Tunnel Avenue in San Francisco and end around 12:30 pm at Recycle Central on Pier 96. For the tour, please remember the following:
Series Schedule:
Part I. Tues, 09/17: Designing Sustainably with Plastics
Part III. Weds, 11/13: Designing Durable Packaging
Part IV. Weds, 12/4: Biodegradable & Compostable Materials