219 Design
509 6th St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
219 Design is best known as a product development partner with interdisciplinary expertise. We work with clients, ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies, that need help accelerating physical products on the road from idea to market. From building proof of concept prototypes that work and look great to detailing final designs and ramping up production overseas, we have a broad range of experience at every step of the process.
Our new San Francisco Studio is the home base of our Mechanical Engineering team and workshop. Join us on Thursday September 5th for drinks, snacks, and a behind the scenes view of our team’s work - including prototyping in VR, 3D Printing, laser cutting, and a gallery of our work with clients like DuPont, Panasonic, Vantage Robotics, BMW and more.
We invite you to experience a prototype ‘sculpture garden’ in Virtual Reality. Using our VR design review tools, we will create an environment of guest’s prototypes where you can view, walk-around, and grab the to-scale 3D designs. We invite all guests to send 1 non-confidential 3D file to abe@219design.com by Wednesday Sept. 4th. Solidworks files are preferred, but we can accommodate most other types.